I worked with a lovely family whose home is near Lake Champlain. Our first task was with a free-standing red closet with doors. Mom Meg and I made sense of three young daughters’ art projects, placing all materials on low shelves, so they could get to them easily. We put table linens there, too.

Dad Mike has made some wooden plates, so we displayed them vertically, along with ceramic pieces, candlesticks and candles on higher shelves, for safe keeping.

Meg is attached to some of the girls’ art, so I suggested a changeable art gallery. She could buy inexpensive lucite frames (the ones backed with cardboard “boxes” and finger holes) to preserve and display drawn, glued and other creations, made both at home and at school. I recommended using walls that everyone in the family sees many times each day.

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

Cleaning and Organizing a Free-standing Closet