I taught an evening class about de-cluttering at the local high school. Renate attended it. A couple of weeks later, on a Friday night, she and I both volunteered at a concert. She emailed late that night, after returning home. I saw her note quite early the next morning. Her husband’s children would arrive the next morning (Sunday), and she hoped for last-minute help in her home office. Would I be available at all that day (Saturday)? I emailed back. Sure!

One side of the office has some shelves, cupboards and drawers. As previously described in the night class, I suggested that we work top-to-bottom. We started in the cupboard at the window end. Right away, she said that she would like to move a bowl from the top shelf, since she hardly ever sees it. In an easy fix, we moved it to the top shelf of the cupboard closest to the door. Likewise, we moved a pretty file box between the two shelves. It would hold photos. We added them as we worked.

Moving down through the shelves near the window, we consolidated information about her daughter who lives in the Midwest. We also placed in them other files that Renate uses often, ensuring that she can reach them easily from her desk chair.

Next, we focused on the shelves nearest the door. On the second shelf down, to the left, we placed books for her book groups. To the right, we put greeting cards in two low plastic tubs, then collected together holiday cards, stamps and address lists. It will soon be time for all of them!

On the third shelf down, we consolidated store coupons to the left, with diet and nutrition materials to the right.

On the bottom shelf, we collected printed information about several topics, placing them in cardboard magazine holders, though turned around, so Renate could use them easier.

Next, the counter. We placed bills in the wire bin. I put some CDs in a hallway bookcase, with some others.

Our time together was flying by. How to best use the rest of it? We quickly decided to focus on the area around the computer. We cleared the clutter on both sides of it, adding materials to already established, or newly created “homes.” We set aside other stuff for the trash, or to be recycled or shredded.

As we finished, Renate assured me that she would be able to tackle the filing that remained, which she did after I left. The “after” photo is a bit dark. Oops! You’ll be able to see her great work, though.




As she emailed afterwards, Renate and her husband Wayne were “awed,” thanking me profusely. They even got up in the middle of the night to look at the newly-organized office. She wrote that it felt like checking on a newborn baby. Success!

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

A Quick Office Rescue!