Megan’s blended family moved into a new home in July. Some rooms are settled, others can use some attention, and one badly needed work. Megan’s office was unusable. The desk was piled with varied items, and the floor was littered with boxes and bags. We got to work, first clearing the desk, so she could use it. We created new files, then dealt with all on the floor. Many papers went into a bag for recycling, other items into another to be tossed. By the end of our session together, Megan was thrilled with her office, where she now can work comfortably, instead of at the kitchen table.


About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

An Office Ready for Work!
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