In our next session, Melinda wanted to focus on a surface with storage shelves underneath. It would be the next step in our work on clearing the basement clutter, so she would be able to use it for projects.

The surface was crowded, covered with materials for buffing, gardening containers, files, braces, brackets, hinges, a small pulley still in its retail packaging, and a vice far more complex than any I’d ever seen. There also was a small machine whose use was a mystery to me, plus something that looked like it could be a horseshoe for an elephant. (Ha!)

Using my professional organizer’s tried-and-true method, we started at one end and worked our way across it. Some items were put into the trash, others into recycling, and still others set aside to donate and give away to her stepson. Using the shop vac, I vacuumed around the machines and on the surface itself.


Our time used up, Melinda said that, before we started working together, she feared that clearing the basement clutter would take the rest of her life. Now, she knew that it wouldn’t take that long, whenever her “expiration date” might be. Instead, we still had a number of sessions ahead of us, but she felt very good about our progress. We scheduled three more sessions. We may need more, but that number would move us along in a good way.

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced, and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

Basement Clutter Clearing – A Process, Part Three