For our next project, Michael and I returned to the basement clutter. One of its rooms includes built-in shelves, holding lots of medicines and natural remedies. He has an ailment that requires some of the items for treatment. It had become hard to see all of what was there.

As ever, using my professional organizer’s method of working top-to-bottom, we started on the top shelf. Working our way down, we pulled some medicines for return to a pharmacy, and dumped others into a paper bag, while saving their containers to be recycled. We would pour out others.

We even consolidated holiday wrapping, putting all items on one shelf together. They will be much easier to see, when the time comes to use them.


On the lowest shelf were some bottles of wine, produced by Michael’s third cousins in France! We put them on the top shelf.

As we finished clearing more basement clutter, there was empty space on the shelves! Bonus points!

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced, and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

Basement Clutter – Medicines and Remedies “Treated”!