Gwenyth emailed from Australia. (Yes!) Her daughter, Pelagie, was living in her parents’ (Pelagie’s deceased grandparents’) home. Would I be available to “clear surfaces” in the house? A local moving company would be there soon for four days, to pack
Clearing Closet Clutter
Trish and her son live in a cozy condo. Like many families, they lead a busy life, with school, work, and activities. She and I decided to start with closet clutter. It was filled with books, games, puzzles, wrapping paper,
Let’s Start Clearing Closet Clutter!
Arriving at Susan’s, she smiled and said that we would work in her bedroom this time, specifically on some shelves. Okay! We would focus on closet clutter. As is my customary method as a professional organizer, we would work top-to-bottom.
Linen Closet Clutter Cleared!

Marie and I met at a fall women’s business owners’ conference. Could I help with her linen closet clutter? Sure! She would have to wait a few months, though, as her professional life was about to become quite busy, and
Linen Closet Clutter Gone!
Jane saw a newspaper article about this business a few months ago, saved it, and recently got in touch. She and her husband own a Victorian house, with not one, but two, AirBnBs. They have lots and lots of linens.
No More Closet Clutter!
Peggy has lived in the same house for 30 years. (How many people can say that nowadays?) Considering where we might start, she’d been thinking about the kitchen. No, instead she wanted help with the hallway’s closet clutter. Okay! I
An Important Step – Clearing Closet Clutter

There are a few areas in Hannah’s apartment that could use some attention. Where to put items that might need storage? The front closet would be a good spot. First, though, it was time to clear its closet clutter! As
Making Sense of and Clearing Closet Clutter!

Wendy lives in a lovely apartment. Its utility closet was jam-packed with a jumble of winter coats, gloves, and scarves; cat food and litter box items; summer bedding; tablecloths, placemats, and napkins. There also were three big plastic planters, a
A Sweep Around the Room

How had three months passed since Willow and I were last together? Busy-ness, travel, COVID, and other delays got in the way. Finally together again, I asked where she would like to start. She walked over to the storage cubes,
Closet Clutter Clean-up

In many families, closets can become dumping grounds. In this family, Elizabeth and her two teenaged sons lead busy lives. Those two “conditions” meant that the closet clutter closest to the garage and the kitchen could use some attention. Suggesting