Gwenyth emailed from Australia. (Yes!) Her daughter, Pelagie, was living in her parents’ (Pelagie’s deceased grandparents’) home. Would I be available to “clear surfaces” in the house? A local moving company would be there soon for four days, to pack
Kitchen Cupboards Clutter Cleared!
In a next session, Peggy and I cleared kitchen cupboards clutter. We worked on two, which were under counters and across from each other. One was larger than the other. The larger one had the pieces of a Magic Bullet
No More Kitchen Counter Clutter!
In our next session, Peggy wanted to focus on the kitchen. There were drawers to organize, cupboards to rearrange, and more. Where to start? How about the counters themselves? Okay, but first, a couple of drawers. One held a variety
Fixing AirBnB Kitchen Clutter
Ed owns an AirBnB on a spectacular property. He bought it “as is.” The big house is beautifully furnished, including with antiques and (to my mind) charming vintage wallpapers. Maybe privately relieved, he encouraged his sweetie Peggy and me to
Clearing Kitchen Counter Clutter

Yiota emailed, wondering if I’m still “rescuing” people. Yes! We spoke. She lives in (what she calls) a “funky” house, but it needed transformation. We scheduled some time. The holidays got in the way, then we finally got together. We
We Conquer Kitchen Junk Drawer Clutter
In a next session, Peggy and I conquered kitchen junk drawer clutter – in not one, but two, drawers! The process was the same in both. In one of them, we tossed some items, and placed others into recycling. We
Clearing Kitchen Clutter to Make it More Functional
In our next session, Maria wanted to focus on the kitchen clutter, which she said came from the room not having enough true workspace. That led to frustration. Okay! We started with a long side cupboard next to the window.
Kitchen Clutter Cleared, and a Desk’s, Too!

In our next session, Caroline wanted to work on her kitchen clutter. Our focus – the sturdy table, built by her great grandfather. It’s a cooking work space, but also is an easy place to drop things. It’s a good size,
Clearing Kitchen Clutter, Making It Easier to Use

Barbara lives in a house that doesn’t have enough storage. She found De-clutter Me! with an online search. Would I come to help? Of course! After I arrived, we toured the house. Where to work? She chose the kitchen clutter.
Kitchen Clutter Cleared! The Room Feels Better!

Pol’s family lives up a hill in a log cabin house. We toured it, then discussed how to use our session time. We chose the kitchen clutter, as the room is central to the family’s life together. An easy first