At this writing, wild fires are ravaging parts of the American West, and Tropical Storm Laura, now a hurricane, threatens the South. Rather than be scared, it can be much healthier emotionally, and maybe even save your life, to be
Grills Just Wanna Have Fun!

Do you have a grill, either the old kind that uses charcoal or a gas item? Regardless, if you clean the grate now, before storing it for the winter, you’ll save time. By next spring, any leftover “gunk” will have
Do Some Fall Tasks NOW
As spring arrives slowly, wash winter clothes now, so they’ll be ready when the weather turns cold again.
It’s a Great Time to Start a Gratitude/Happiness Jar

What’s a Gratitude/Happiness Jar? Is there a way to capture those feelings and place them somewhere? While not exactly, it is possible to record them to be enjoyed later on. How? First, find a big jar that you can easily
Not Fun to Think About, But Important
From the archives…Do you have a plan in case of emergencies? In this very hot and dry summer (at least here in Vermont), and with many fires burning in the US West, having a plan could make an awful situation
Clear Clutter with “One of a Kind”
Do you ever wonder where to store unconnected pieces of information, so that you can find them when needed? It’s easy, once you make a “One of a Kind” notebook. It’s a notebook to hold random “stuff.”
Seemingly Random Organizing Tips – Oldies but Goodies
A few days ago, I came across excellent tips in a file. Here’s a sampling from the archives. Since clutter tends to expand to fill the space “allowed” for it, move items from your junk drawer into the smallest drawer
Decisions with Dots
As suggested in previous Timely Tips, are you working to clear clutter? If not, are you feeling stuck, unsure of how to start? Facing family resistance? Here are some tips that might help you. Get some round adhesive dots in
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year? What? It’s not January! The calendar shows August. Even so, with the school year already begun in some places, and about to start in many more, in some ways it feels like the beginning of a new
One of a Kind
Do you ever wonder where to store random and perhaps unconnected pieces of information, so that you can use them when needed? It’s easy, once you make a One of a Kind notebook. All you need is a three-ring binder,