It’s been seriously cold, with wind chills in the 20s below zero. Some areas, like near the New England coast, are buried under as much as 7 feet of snow. It’s difficult. I can hardly visualize green grass, can’t imagine
Tax Time Again!
Is the idea of filing your 2014 taxes filling you with dread? If so, and even though it’s still January, you may want to start the process. As with de-cluttering, there’s a lot to be said for starting. It’s all
Worth Repeating
What’s your time worth? Probably plenty. Here’s a way to save some, if/while you wash your windows, inside and out, this spring. Wipe one surface horizontally and the other vertically. That way, you’ll better be able to tell where any
Saving Screens Sanity
Do you have slightly differently-sized screens for your windows? Is matching them a frustrating process? Here’s an easy tip to tame the task. As you prepare to put them up, mark each with its location. After washing each screen, attach
Spring into Action!
Writing on a dreary Sunday, it’s rainy, with the temperature just around freezing. Snow persists, though some bare, muddy ground with still-brown grass is visible. Lovely – not! Sunny and warm spring days WILL come! Truly, they will. Back during
Tax Time!
Are your 2013 taxes driving you crazy? With the deadline looming, you may be scrambling to file on time or, if you won’t be ready, to request an extension. I worked with a client yesterday morning before she met with
Stylish Storage
Now that we’re past the mid-January point, you may have caught your breath after the holidays. Are you now thinking to make sense of some piles that you’ve perhaps had for a long time, and others that somehow appeared during
Pre-pre-pre Spring Sprucing Up
Just about everywhere, both here and abroad, it’s been a brutal bear of a winter. Despite today’s vernal equinox, real spring weather feels very far off. The snow gauge in my front garden still registers more than 1.5 feet. More