…I re-used some dryer sheets to clean the blinds in a bedroom. It really is easy-peasy, and so fast. After using them in their usual way, tuck used dryer sheets away. They actually have multiple uses. For more suggestions, see
Clever Reuses – for Dryer Sheets!
I recently saw an article about clever reuse, and thought to pass along its suggestions. If you use dryer sheets to keep your clothes static-free, keep them. Put a container in the laundry area to hold used ones, then use
How to Solve the Dilemma of Unmatched Socks
It happens to most of us. Somehow, a pair of socks isn’t a pair anymore. Does the washer eat one? Does the dryer hide one? It’s a mystery, but we sometimes end up with unmatched socks. Now that summer is
Fun Uses for Mason Jar Lids
From the archives, here are some clever suggestions for using Mason jar lids. As canning season is about to start and with jars available in many stores, these could be both timely and fun. While you might use a jar
Clever Re-uses
From the archives, here are two clever ways to reuse items. A plastic squeeze water bottle can double as a salad dressing shaker. If you mix your own vinaigrette, this is a handy way to bring it along to work
A Way to Keep Foods Cold, With a Cool Additional Use
Here’s one that’s good for picnics and other outdoor events, especially timely with the upcoming July Fourth holiday in mind. Need a way to keep foods cold in a cooler? Instead of using ice, consider this cool alternative. (Oh –
Toothpaste – Not Just for Your Teeth Anymore
Here are some downright nifty tips found online for how to use toothpaste; that is, beyond its normal way. It also can help to clean your house, remove stains, fix scuffed shoes and scratched phones, and even polish your favorite
Salt – It’s Not Just for Cooking
While reading a newspaper online or just noodling around recently, I read some interesting uses for salt. (I gotta get out more!) Here’s how to peel hard-boiled eggs easier. Add salt in water to boil the eggs. When they are
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Vol. II
Do you have some extra things in your kitchen that you might toss out? Here are some suggestions for reusing them. An old, funky cupcake or muffin tin could store office supplies, jewelry, or to plant succulents. You also could
Storing Holiday Ornaments and Lights
The best way to store holiday ornaments and lights is in original packaging. If you’re like most mere mortals, you’ve not kept it and it’s long gone. Here are some tips to help keep it all organized until needed next