Do you ever wonder where to store unconnected pieces of information, so that you can find them when needed? It’s easy, once you make a “One of a Kind” notebook. It’s a notebook to hold random “stuff.”
Tax Time!
Are your 2013 taxes driving you crazy? With the deadline looming, you may be scrambling to file on time or, if you won’t be ready, to request an extension. I worked with a client yesterday morning before she met with
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year? What? It’s not January! The calendar shows August. Even so, with the school year already begun in some places, and about to start in many more, in some ways it feels like the beginning of a new
One of a Kind
Do you ever wonder where to store random and perhaps unconnected pieces of information, so that you can use them when needed? It’s easy, once you make a One of a Kind notebook. All you need is a three-ring binder,