Local gardening expert Charlie Nardozzi spoke yesterday on a Vermont Public Radio call-in show. He shared some excellent tips. Knowing the always-smiling Charlie to be an affable guy, I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind my passing along a few gems.
Season Transition Plant Care
This Timely Tip first appeared in late September of last year. It’s that time again! Now that summer’s officially over, you’ll want to care for outdoor plants. Here are some suggestions found online. 1. You’ll want to move your plants
Now That Summer’s Officially Over…
Now that summer’s officially over, you’ll want to care for outdoor plants. Here are some suggestions found online, a couple of which I followed yesterday. 1. You’ll want to move your plants indoors when temperatures regularly drop below 60, and definitely
For You and Your Plants
While this Timely Tip isn’t exactly about de-cluttering, it is about benefits – to you and your plants. Here’s something that I do each month – give the houseplants a shower. It started when I was in college, in part
On Mental Clutter, Vol. II
It’s always good to shed mental clutter; it makes us lighter. It can come in many forms. One can involve gardening, of all topics. Do you struggle to remember what plants work well, and where? What annuals grow well in