Some time ago, I heard or read somewhere that salt can be used to clean silk flowers. Really? I’d never tried it. I’ve been working with a client whose dining room table has been full of stuff, including books, bills,
Seasonal Garage Cleaning, Even for a Professional Organizer
Today, I swept my garage and stored wicker summer furniture, placing the chairs on some old rubber car floor mats. That way, once winter snow melts off the car, the furniture legs will be protected. No old floor mats? You
For You and Your Plants
While this Timely Tip isn’t exactly about de-cluttering, it is about benefits – to you and your plants. Here’s something that I do each month – give the houseplants a shower. It started when I was in college, in part
Worth Repeating
What’s your time worth? Probably plenty. Here’s a way to save some, if/while you wash your windows, inside and out, this spring. Wipe one surface horizontally and the other vertically. That way, you’ll better be able to tell where any
Saving Screens Sanity
Do you have slightly differently-sized screens for your windows? Is matching them a frustrating process? Here’s an easy tip to tame the task. As you prepare to put them up, mark each with its location. After washing each screen, attach
Spring into Action!
Writing on a dreary Sunday, it’s rainy, with the temperature just around freezing. Snow persists, though some bare, muddy ground with still-brown grass is visible. Lovely – not! Sunny and warm spring days WILL come! Truly, they will. Back during
Decisions with Dots
As suggested in previous Timely Tips, are you working to clear clutter? If not, are you feeling stuck, unsure of how to start? Facing family resistance? Here are some tips that might help you. Get some round adhesive dots in
Fall Chores: What Fun!
Do you take down your window screens and store them for the winter? If not, you might consider it. They might endure less wear-and-tear from storms. I wrap mine in an old sheet in the garage, to make cleaning them
Fixing an Oops
This page of Timely Tips is mostly meant to help you de-clutter, save time and brain power, etc. This tip might solve a problem and keep you safe. I recently came across information about how to remove a broken lightbulb
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year? What? It’s not January! The calendar shows August. Even so, with the school year already begun in some places, and about to start in many more, in some ways it feels like the beginning of a new