Arriving for another session in Jae and Armand’s wonderful centuries-old house, I asked Jae what we would do. She quickly replied, “The closet!” Next to the kitchen, its clutter could use some attention. I explained my professional organizer’s typical method. We would work our way around it, from top-to-bottom. She smiled and agreed.
We started on some shelves, pulling winter items, some to donated, and others to be washed and made ready for their next uses. When done there, the bottom shelf was rearranged and the top one was completely clear! That’s relatively rare and, in a way, a feast for the eyes, allowing them to rest.

We moved next to the jackets hanging below the shelves, moving some around and making them all easier to reach. What’s the hose? It’s for the vacuum, and we’ll see it in more photos. As with the shelves above, there was room left over. Bonus points!

Next to the shelves and the hanging items are some hooks. Hats, a beautiful scarf of Jae’s, a green bag that ended up on the shelves – all moved around to make room for a few hats, and the vacuum hose. As with the shelves and the hanging items, there was room left over. Great for any needed expansion, and to allow other items to “migrate” there.

The floor! It held recycling, the vacuum and a number of other items that had landed there. We separated out trash and recycling, and made room for the vacuum to be reached easier.

Next, a set of shelves, holding mostly Armand’s shoes and boots, and some of Jae’s, too. We moved some around, with winter stuff on the bottom. I advised placing laces inside whenever possible. It’s a good habit to get into, especially in the winter, to keep laces dry. It’s also less visual noise. More empty shelves! More bonus points! We also consolidated some laundry supplies.

When we were done, Jae looked relieved and smiled brightly. Success!
About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.