De-clutter Me! was featured on WCAX. Check out the video.

I’d never been interviewed LIVE on television before. No hiding places! Nervous before it, I hoped that many years of choral performance stage presence and radio show experience would help. In an effort to calm myself before the interview started, I “interviewed” host Mike McCune, WCAX lead sports anchor. As it turned out, the five minutes went by really fast, as if in a flash. I was grateful to get out alive and in one piece. Reflecting on it afterwards, once my pulse returned to normal, it was a very cool experience!

De-Clutter Me! serves Burlington, Vermont, and surrounding areas. Call or email today! 802.598.3639 or

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

De-clutter Me! Featured on WCAX