If you’re in the process of taking down holiday decorations, here are some storage tips. Did you buy new ornaments? Did the packaging somehow disappear? You can safely store ornaments in boxes from liquor stores – the ones with sections. Do you have some smaller, and perhaps especially delicate, ornaments? They could fit nicely into egg cartons. If possible, write a list of each box’s contents on its side, so you’ll know what’s where.

Have strings of lights to store? Wrap them around coffee cans, with the plugs placed inside.

Do you have partly used-up rolls of wrapping paper? Tame them with slit toilet paper or paper towel rolls, which you can slide over the ends.

How to store all of that wrapping paper? If space allows, run a wire or two across the top of a closet or along the underside of a shelf, and slide the wrapping in. You’ll save storage space and also be able to easily see what you have.

Holiday Wrap-up