As you scroll down through other Timely Tips, you’ll read about how to clear clutter. This tip, though, is about the emotional lift that comes from getting rid of excess stuff. I’ve been doing that quite a bit over the last week or so, as I set aside a wide variety of donations for the annual Bella Voce Tag Sale. I’m an alto in the women’s chorus.

There are piles of stuff around my condo – costume jewelry on my dresser, clothes in the guest room from its closet. There are jackets, housewares, books, CDs and three art pieces in the living room. Several boxes in the garage are already packed, and ready to deliver. They include more housewares, holiday decorations, vases and other planters, teddy bears and other stuffed toys, etc.

As we work together, many of my clients say, “I feel lighter!” It’s true. I do, too. You can feel the same lift – by de-cluttering. And, bonus points, you often can get a tax deduction for donations to second-hand stores and other businesses that might welcome your used, but reusable, items.

As the saying goes, “Less is the new more.” Try it. You’ll like it!

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

Less is the New More