An avid hiker and camper, Sarah has A LOT of equipment for both aligned activities! Picking up where we left off after our first session together, we resumed clearing her living room clutter, focusing on a corner. Oh, she also has weights for at-home workouts! We added camping supplies to containers already holding some other related items. The goal – to eventually store all camping gear upstairs in the second bedroom.



Next, to the area in front of and to the right of the TV. There were several big fabric bags hanging, holding even more camping stuff. They were bugging me – “visual noise,” to use a former client’s term. If really noise, they would have been blaring! I took them down, for storage upstairs. What to do about the hooks attached to the walls? We will meet that challenge at another time. There were yet more containers holding camping stuff. We consolidated.

Sarah thought to put a couple of rolls, including for yoga, behind the TV. Absolute genius!

A big cabinet holds bins of office supplies, dried food, and even more camping supplies. To the extent possible, we added items to bins with even a little extra space. We cleared in front of the cabinet, so that she could walk around the room without tripping over bins and bags.

Some shelves to the right held puzzles. Inspired, Sarah put them in the big cabinet, and placed on the shelves some small art pieces and figurines.



Another successful session clearing living room clutter! What will we do next? That’s to be determined. Onward!

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced, and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

Living Room Clutter – a Second Session Focus