Once we finished in Margaux’s first bedroom, and after a break, she, her mother Etienne, and I walked across the hall to transform the second one into a welcoming guest room. It had become a dumping ground for all kinds of stuff. There were three clear bins holding a variety of items. We set some aside for the trash, others for donation, and we put still others in the closet, for later continued, careful consideration – without turning it into another dumping ground. We set aside games and puzzles, heaped on the dresser, to be stored with others elsewhere in the house. The tall, skinny bookcase? In a collective flash of inspiration, we put it behind the door, where it fit perfectly!


We cleared the middle of the floor, revealing an old chest that had been hidden by accumulated stuff. We tucked rolls of holiday gift wrap into the corner of the closet, where it will be easily seen when needed.


Next, the bookcase. On its top – a trophy from a tractor pull. Really! We added others.

Next, we rearranged books.

Margaux and Etienne were delighted! Where might Etienne and I work next? We soon would turn our attention to a few other places in the house.

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

Making a Second Bedroom Livable