Continuing our work in the basement, Michael and I next turned our attention to the work bench near the shelves we had recently straightened. First, we cleared the work bench space itself. We used my professional organizer’s tested method of working from one side to the other. We put some items into the trash, others into recycling. We set aside Michael’s brown hat for winter wear, placed the drill on top of the adjacent tools drawers piece, then into its lowest drawer.
Next, we tackled the tools drawers. Here’s what its front looked like when we started.

The first drawer held miscellaneous items and batteries. We sifted through it and, like on the work bench, placed some items into the trash and recycling. We straightened others, so that everything will be easier to see and use.
One of the drawers held a jumble of different kinds of tape, glue sticks, and other similar items. We placed some of the tape into a small plastic container and likewise made everything else more visible.
Working our way down, I opened a drawer with many screwdrivers. Why so many? Michael explained that both his and his wife’s fathers had died, and they inherited many tools. We chose some regular and phillips head tools, then set the rest aside for donation or the trash.
With our time almost used up, I cleared the top of the tools piece, re-routed an electric cord, and wiped its front.

Next time, we will finish its drawers, then continue working our way around the room.
About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced, and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.