I saw Sandy and Roger at a concert, and told them about De-clutter Me! She asked me to come and help at their house. What would we do? She mentioned the Paper Room. “Oh no,” I thought, visualizing a room with tall piles of paper everywhere. Arriving at their rural home on a rainy morning, we toured the house, with both of them pointing out areas needing help. Roger said that many horizontal surfaces were covered with stuff; relatively easily fixed.

Where to start? In the Paper Room, of course. It wasn’t nearly as bad as my mind’s eye had “seen.” Its closet needed de-cluttering. Sandy and I pulled lots of yearbooks (she’s a retired teacher), bags of photos she’d likely never sort. Clothes and other items were set aside for the town’s weekly budget closet sale. Roger opened the room’s window, so that all could be easily loaded from its sill into their cars. Well, mostly. A load of ~50 small Legos pieces was in a strong plastic bag, which broke, falling between pieces of wet gravel. Though he said he would clean them up, I helped. Avoiding slimy “bird doo” was an extra added “benefit.” We got it done, and shared some laughs.

Next, we cleared the desk and shelving below it.

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

The Paper Room
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