Marcia had on her desk the March 2014 issue of Vermont Maturity, which included an article about De-clutter Me! She emailed, somewhat tentatively, asking if I were still in business. Of course! We wrote back and forth, talked, then scheduled a first session together.

Our first focus would be her husband’s closet, then the walk-in closet that she and Bob share. Bob’s closet wasn’t bad at all – not crammed full, with items hanging from shelves. It just needed some attention to silence the “visual noise,” as another client has called it. It’s a relatively minor point, but simply turning a folded item so that the fold shows dramatically softens the view.

Working from top to bottom, we folded items, and she graciously chose some items for donation to the upcoming annual Tag Sale of a local women’s chorus. Others would be tossed or brought to Goodwill.

Next, we walked across the hall to the walk-in closet. Again working from top to bottom, we folded items to keep and, as with Bob’s closet, separated others for donation or the trash.

With our little bit of time left, Marcia showed me some other projects for our next sessions together in their beautiful house.

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

Visual Noise – Gone!