In a next session, Peggy and I conquered kitchen junk drawer clutter – in not one, but two, drawers! The process was the same in both. In one of them, we tossed some items, and placed others into recycling. We bagged a couple of chargers, and tossed others that Peggy knew were obsolete. (That’s what I see most when working with clients. Families often have boxes or bags full of chargers intended for computers and phones that aren’t used anymore.)

In the end, there was empty space in the middle of the drawer – yay! It likely would be filled at some point but, for now, it is easier on her eyes whenever Peggy opens it, and she can enjoy the sense of accomplishment from conquering the kitchen drawer clutter!

Why do we see photos of only one of the drawers? It’s about privacy. The “de-cluttered” photo of the second drawer includes a phone book, which shows a bit too much about Peggy’s home location. While she surely isn’t the only resident of the area, it’s important to protect her identity. That’s an important part of this business, which over the years has helped clients to relax during our work together.

About De-clutter Me!
De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced, and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.

We Conquer Kitchen Junk Drawer Clutter