An embarrassing fact – I’m terrible at carving pumpkins. Always have been, and likely will continue to be. Last year, I decided to try something different. Another admission – this is a recycled Timely Tip from last Halloween. Still relevant and, I hope, still useful.
Here’s a fun and incredibly inexpensive idea, from Amy Sedaris’s book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. The book is funny, creative and “spicy.” (Read: over-the-top and sassy.)
To make the Nosey Tissue Ghost, you’ll need two sheets of facial tissue. Lay one out flat, then ball up the other one and place it in the center of the flattened sheet. Use monofilament (clear fishing) line to tie the head off at the neck. Dot with a felt tipped pen to mark eyes. Using clear tape, attach some more line to the top of the head.
Where to hang it? From a tree, from a front porch ceiling, anywhere where it could cause a stir. Clear fishing line is especially good, because it’s strong and will help to make the ghost look like it’s flying through the air. The local hardware store sells 500 yards for $3.00. (Once added to your craft supplies stash, it’s likely to come in handy for other uses, too.)
Bonus points – the project took about 15 minutes, with no mess to clean up, and no muttered bad language from me, either.
A few hung together could be even better. Happy Halloween – boo!
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De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been changing chaos to calm since 2013.