Jennifer and Jim are working hard to clear clutter in their home. Bookshelf organization and decorating were needed for the island, really a free-standing bookshelf that “straddles” the kitchen and the living room. It’s next to Jennifer’s desk, which we organized during our last session.

Jim had started the effort, clearing some of the top shelf, but he wasn’t completely pleased. It still was a bit too crowded. We removed some things, making it look and feel much more accessible.

On the middle shelf, we placed a tiered inbox for mail. It’s easy to reach and, with little around it, there’s no clutter to distract anyone from attending to the mail on a daily basis.

Here’s how we organized the bottom shelf that held many books. We pulled them out. Jennifer placed some treasured family books in the living room, where she could easily see and enjoy them. The major family cook, Jim quickly decided which cookbooks to keep, and which to discard or donate. He very much wanted to keep a particular author’s series, so we placed them together, with the Christmas book at the far end.

On the floor, there were two plastic containers holding bills and tax documents. To clear the space in front of the cookbooks and to reduce clutter, we moved them to the floor on the other side of the desk where, next to a trunk, there was just enough space to neatly tuck them in.

I coiled a long phone cord that was looped around the fire extinguisher. Magically, Jennifer found a small “s” hook and hung the cord from the back of the desk.

When we were done, they were thrilled with the island. No more clutter! Jennifer said that she looked forward to looking at it when eating breakfast. To please their eyes even more, Jim also removed some papers that were on the side of the refrigerator.

The bookcase organized, we scheduled our next session, when we will focus on the kitchen cupboards. Before then, as homework, they will remove items on the top of the refrigerator, and all items from its door. All that will remain there – printed daily tasks schedules.

Jennifer smiled and, praising my professional organizer work, called me her “guru.” Seemingly not to be outdone, Jim called me the “grand poobah.” So nice!

About De-clutter Me!

De-clutter Me! offers non-judgmental, competitively-priced and confidential assistance to help clear clutter in your home and/or business. We’ve been “bringing calm to chaos” since 2013.

Bookshelf Organization = Rest for the Eyes

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